Journey of taste: Dried prunes keep the digestion system healthy, beneficial for the liver as well, its history is interesting

Journey of taste: Dried prunes keep the digestion system healthy, beneficial for the liver as well, its history is interesting


Dry plum is very beneficial for the stomach.
Energy remains in the body by consuming plums.

Taste of Travel: Plum is a sour-sweet seasonal fruit, whereas dry plum is a dry fruit available for twelve months and it is sweet. Its consumption also gives more calories. This dry fruit keeps the digestion system healthy and also keeps the liver system normal. It is an Asian fruit and the people of India have been enjoying its taste for thousands of years.

Sweet and sticky taste pleases the tongue

Just as grapes become raisins when they are dried, in the same way dates also dry up and turn into dry dates. Similarly, if prunes are dried, they turn into dry fruits and become prunes/dried plums. Plum is a seasonal fruit and nowadays its season is going on. Broadly, it comes in the market in June-July, but dry plums are not affected by the weather and are available throughout the year. If we compare sharbati and dried plums, then normal plums will turn out to be sour-sweet filled with soft pulp. The quantity of both can be less or more in this, but dry plum is always sweet and it is sticky to eat.

The taste of dried potato fever is sweet and it is very beneficial. Image-Canva

If we talk about moisture or water, the amount of water in plum fruit is about 87.23 per 100 grams, then it decreases to around 30.92 grams in dried plums. If we talk about nutrition, then the amount of calories and carbohydrates in dried plums is more than that of fresh plums. But the amount of vitamin-C is high in plums, while vitamin-C decreases in dry plums. Normal plums are eaten just like fruits, whereas dried plums can be enjoyed as a snack. Apart from this, its topping can also be done in cake and ice cream.

Information about the merits and demerits of plum in Charaksamhita

Plum is a very ancient fruit and its origin is believed to be in the Asian region. Its taste is being enjoyed in India for thousands of years. It is believed that its trees first grew in China and Japan, but it also originated parallelly in European countries. Agricultural scientist Prof. Ranjit Singh and Prof. SK Saxena of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (Pusa) have given detailed information about plums in their book ‘Fruits’ and have told that European and Japanese varieties of plums are being grown in India for years. Experts also say that the remains of dried plums have been found in the mummies found in the Egyptian pyramids. The special thing is that in the Ayurvedic book ‘Charaksamhita’ written 2500 years ago in India, information has been given about the merits and demerits of plum (Aarukam) and it has been told that it is digestive, sweet in taste and cool.

Plums in India are mostly found only in hilly areas, including Himachal, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir. In India, it is found in dark red color, while in many countries its color is also black, yellow and green. Plums are considered to be of cherry, raspberry, apricot family.

Its fiber is something special

Now where there are rasbhara plums, dry plums are also found there. Its features are somewhat different. The first thing is that the amount of fiber in it is high, so it is considered very effective for digestion. It is a natural laxative and food experts believe that dried plums also have the properties of promoting the growth of friendly bacteria in the large intestine, which helps in digestion.

dried plum

Dry prunes rich in fiber improve digestion. Image-Canva

According to senior dietician Anita Lamba, this dry fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber as well as antioxidants, so it helps in reducing the incidence of many diseases. It is believed that its peel produces a different specialty after drying, which is considered very beneficial in liver infection. Research shows that by consuming it, the damaged cells of the liver start getting repaired. That is why it is suggested to eat it in diseases like hepatitis.

Obesity can be prevented by its use

Consumption of dried plums keeps the plaster in the arteries of the heart, due to which the risk of heart diseases reduces. Its fiber is also beneficial for the heart. It is also a confirmed fact that people who are suffering from obesity, if they consume at least one dry plum daily, then after some time their weight will start reducing. Since it is also high in fiber, it makes the stomach feel full, which will result in not feeling hungry soon. If this happens, obesity will stay away. It also prevents cholesterol from increasing in the body. People who are suffering from sugar can consume it normally. It does not allow the level of glucose in the blood to rise rapidly. In general, there is no side effect of consuming it, but if eaten in excess, it will not only sour the teeth but will also cause gas formation in the stomach. Its excessive intake can also bring loose motion.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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